Vytautas Bučionis

Born in Lithuania, Vytautas went blind at the age of two as a result of retinoblastoma, a malignant tumor. In the hope of offering him a better future, his family immigrated to Canada a few years later. From an early age, he took refuge in music, a world in which he could easily recreate images for himself. His love of sounds and textures is such that, at just eight years of age, his talent as a pianist is already undeniable. In addition to performing in various musical groups, in 2018, at the age of 32, Vytautas obtained a master’s degree in composition from the Faculté de musique de Montréal. He collects the sounds of nature and birds. For Vytautas, beauty is everywhere, as long as you don’t want to hide it.

À nos prothèses is a collective project that questions relations of intimacy, conviviality, dispossession and (in)accessibility to our ‘ordinary’ prostheses. Prostheses are physical, digital, urban or sensory extensions that allow us to complete, extend and adjust our being to ourselves and our being together. Prostheses can be material (hearing aids, canes, glasses, dental prostheses, etc.), digital or urban (access ramps). This project is concerned with ordinary prostheses and claims solidary approaches in the sense of Donna Haraway (Cyborg Manifesto), Crip solidarities (Mia Mingus, Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha), CRIP Art and feminist, queer, Crip and Cyborg interconnections (Alison Kafe, Mallory Kay Nelson, Ashley Shew, Bethany Stevens.).
