Petunia Alves

Petunia Alves (b. 1959). Of Brazilian origin, Québec artist Petunia Alves has lived and worked in Montréal since 1983. Involved in the world of independent video, she has been co-director of the Groupe Intervention Vidéo (GIV) since 1990. She has been involved in the women’s movement, and has directed and co-directed videos about the personal, social and political trajectories of women. In her latest projects, she is interested in memories, memory and oblivion.

Title: 2000 bonnes raisons de marcher
Author: Petunia Alves (1959, Brasil/Québec) and Ryofa Chung (Québec, 1969).
Year: 1998
Duration: 18’
Type : Documentary