The movements we are

19:00 - 21:00
15/05 au 15/05
Groupe Intervention Vidéo (GIV) - 4001 rue Berri #105, Montréal

This video program, curated by Verónica Sedano Alvarez, points out the multiple ways in which movement may be understood and expressed. It refers to the semantic heterogeneity of this notion – encompassing concepts such as flux and change – and its fragmentation into a kaleidoscopic multiplicity of significances. It proposes a nuanced variation of meanings that intercept with endurance, resistance, disruption, agency, and affectional ways of engaging with memory and the past. It connects with decolonial perspectives, speculative futures and non-normative ways of experiencing motion and rhythm. In so doing, it offers to abandon the status quo, or the illusion of its existence, to embrace the way in which we are flows and processes1.

1Nail, Thomas. “What Is the Philosophy of Movement?” Mobility Humanities, vol. 1, no. 1, Jan. 2022, p.11.