Work into Flow

12:00 - 18:00
07/05 au 10/05
Moving Image Research Lab (McGill) + Hexagram, Agora Hydro Québec - Pavillon des Sciences biologiques (SB), 175 Av. du Président-Kennedy, Montréal
Finissage and Artist talk on Friday, May 10th, 2024, from 2 to 4pm

The installation includes an experimental documentary, which gathers interviews and media experimentation with dairy industry workers in 2019 (who were planning to or had recently adopted robotic milking infrastructures). The interviews meditate on working rhythms, pleasure, obligation, obsolescence and corporeality, while making think-able unexpected relationalities within the technological transition to robotic milking. The interview footage is remixed with staged assemblages that engage the original footage as multi-modal, speculative propositions. The installation also includes a milk-filled light table with live-feed projected onto a large mat constructed out of used milk bags, sourced from several local daycares. Visitors are invited to meditate on the industrial context of milk-production through the process of assembling the mat, and engage in discussion about leakiness within milk infrastructures. Here, leakiness is conceived of as a mode of accommodation and contradiction that both aligns with and exceeds productive/consumptive logics, as well as species and machine categories. Discussions will be recorded and remixed with previously recorded interviews over the course of the exhibition.

This project was made possible with the generous support of the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec.